So, what happens to your Family?
If you pass away, will your family suffer or continue to prosper?

In many cases you have been the main breadwinner for your family. And even if you were not, you are quite lucky because your family can depend on the US Government for the income you deserve… BUT ONLY if you plan for your bad luck. You see, Uncle Sam has the tools available for you to accumulate significant dollars available for retirement; however they must be invested properly to provide for your family even in the event you pass away early – not necessarily a pleasant thought. Planning ahead or even changing up your financial roadmap can not only provide for your family without you, it can also provide for the general wealth you have worked so hard to achieve.
The future of Your Family likely depends on your good judgement.
How do You protect their lifestyle?
What are the wisest investments based on your family’s needs now and in the future?
Is it possible to accomplish Generational Safety and Generational Wealth in the same financial plan?

Do you know about one of the best benefits of all?? The Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Program (FEGLI). If you would like to learn more and get a free quote, contact us now.
Your Family’s Security

Federal Employees have so many benefit options.
Let’s choose the best... for you!
FBIC provides personal, trained and caring professionals who listen to your desires and formulate a plan of action. You will have a roadmap to your financial goals based on your age, agency, income and anticipated financial needs.