The Leading Source of Information and Education on Federal Employee Benefits

What We Do

Need Help with your Federal Benefits?

That’s what we do.  For Federal and Postal Employees, understanding their benefits can be a considerable challenge. The results of their benefits play into other facets of their lives, including their Federal careers, their financial well-being, and even the well-being of their families. At Federal Benefits Information Center, our mission is to ensure you have a better understanding of your Federal Benefits – and by extension, to help you prosper in your Federal career.

Professional Federal Benefit Services

Federal Benefits Education

Federal Agency Retirement Workshops

Speaking Engagements

Federal Benefits Counseling

Federal Benefits Assistance

No matter if you are a new hire, a mid-career professional, a long-time public servant at an elevated GS/GM-level, or a retired Federal Employee, we will help guide you to the much-needed retirement and benefits answers you seek.

Federal Benefits are complicated.

They have many provisions, exceptions, and exclusions, surely making you uncertain about your own Federal retirement benefits and what they involve.

You will find the answers you seek at FBIC.

We offer resources and knowledgeable Educators to aid you in walking through the process of acquiring your Federal Benefits.

We provide benefits guidance and financial education to active and retired Federal Employees. These efforts are based on the Office of Personnel Management’s mission to promote financial literacy.

Retirement Benefits for Federal Employees

Here is an overview of different Federal Benefits you could be taking advantage of. If you would like guidance in navigating your benefits and making choices that will help you make the most of them, we can help you. Don’t delay, request your FREE CABS Report today.

Federal Employees have so many benefit options.
Let’s choose the best... for you!

FBIC provides personal, trained and caring professionals who listen to your desires and formulate a plan of action. You will have a roadmap to your financial goals based on your age, agency, income and anticipated financial needs.

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CABS Report Now!

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of your finances?

Complete the quick form below to request your FREE CABS Report today!

What Retirement System are you a part of?