Changes to Postal Service Health Benefits
This post offers key information on changes to your Postal Service Health Benefits. The USPS has paid into Medicare for postal employees’ entire careers. When postal employees retire, many choose not to enroll in Medicare Part B and simply keep Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB), which is generally better and cheaper. An employee’s spouse can […]
Retirement Plans and the IRS
Get tax information for retirement plans: required minimum distribution, contribution limits, plan types and reporting requirements for plan administrators.
Thrift Savings Plan Calculators & Forms
Use these calculators to get personalized estimates of how much income you may have in retirement.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Calculators & Forms
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) serves as the chief human resources agency and personnel policy manager for the Federal Government.
Social Security Benefits Calculators
We have a variety of calculators to help you plan for the future or to assist you with your needs now.
Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS)
FERS became effective on January 1, 1987. It replaced CSRS, which had more of a defined-benefit pension structure in its benefits framework.
Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS)
Under CSRS, Federal Employees will be entitled to a basic annuity. Generally, the accumulation of this annuity benefit will be quite larger than that of the basic annuity within the FERS system.
Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
Through the Thrift Savings Plan, you can put some of your pay toward retirement savings. Depending on which retirement system you belong to, you may have an agency match.
Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (FEGLI)
As a group insurance program, FEGLI provides group term life insurance to Federal Employees. It can help you solve for a variety of life insurance needs.
How Social Security Retirement Benefits Work
Social Security replaces a percentage of your pre-retirement income based on their lifetime earnings.